KCPS Summerfest 2016 helps families get ready for school

KCPS Summerfest 2016 featured free food, athletic competitions, fun and educational games, backpack and school supplies giveaways, live entertainment, free physicals and student immunizations. The festival included a wide variety resources and activities, as well as celebrity guests.

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Register for 2016 Grandfamilies Conference by Oct. 7

Raising a grandchild, niece, or nephew can be rewarding, but also challenging. The 2016 Grandfamilies Conference will provide information and resources to support caregivers in the parenting role. 

The conference will be held on Friday, Oct. 14, 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., at Pleasant Valley Baptist Church, 1600 North 291 Highway, Liberty, Mo.

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LINC staff help infant struggling to breathe

Quick-acting staff at a Family Support Division Kansas City location helped resuscitate a seven-day-old baby who was struggling to breathe and starting to turn blue.

The incident occurred at the Woodland Early Learning Center, where the Family Support Division, the Children’s Division and the Local Investment Commission share co-located space on the second floor of the school located in northwest Kansas City, Mo.

The young mother was visiting the FSD office to apply for food stamps and noticed her young child was struggling to breathe and asked for help.

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LINC temporarily closes food pantry to reorganize

The Local Investment Commission (LINC) has a food pantry at Northern Boulevard United Methodist Church in Independence, MO. known as Project Suppertime.

LINC and the church have mutually agreed to temporarily close the food pantry to reorganize inventory and train new volunteers.

Those wishing to support Project Suppertime can make contributions directly to either the Local Investment Commission, 3100 Broadway, Suite 1100, Kansas City, MO. or to Northern Boulevard United Methodist Church, 1800 S Northern Blvd, Independence, MO 64052.

For additional information, contact Brent Schondelmeyer, LINC Deputy Director, (816) 410-8350 or bschonde@kclinc.org.

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Apply now for EPFP 2016-17 fellowship

The Missouri-Kansas Education Policy Fellowship Program (EPFP) is seeking applicants for its 2016-2017 program, which begins in September.

The Education Policy Fellowship Program (EPFP) is a professional development program for individuals whose work record reflects strong leadership abilities and a concern for issues important to children and education.

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Two new LINC Commissioners approved

Two individuals have been approved as LINC Commissioners — the governance board for the Local Investment Commission — at the group's April meeting.

The new commissioners are Tom Davis and Ken Powell.

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2016 KIDS COUNT data book announced

The Family and Community Trust (FACT) will release the KIDS COUNT 2016 data book on Tuesday, April 5 in Columbia, MO. KIDS COUNT is a national and state-by-state effort to track the well-being of children through high quality data. 

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Two school districts select new superintendents

The North Kansas City and Grandview school districts - two LINC partner school districts - have selected new school superintendents who will start this summer.

Dr. Dan Clemens is the new North Kansas School District superintendent and Kenny Rodrequez is the new Grandview school superintendent. Both were internal candidates.

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Kauffman addressing teacher shortage in urban schools

The Kansas City Teacher Residency (KCTR) program, supported by the Kauffman Foundation, is actively recruiting and supporting individuals to become teachers in urban schools and directly address a shortage of teachers.

Urban teacher residency programs adapt the medical residency model to teacher preparation. This is a one-year program for college graduates and professionals who want to become exceptional teachers and help Kansas City kids achieve strong academic outcomes.

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