Displaying LINC Initiatives about: Education

Center families get a jump on enrollment, fun at Back to School Bash

There was business to take care of for many of the families visiting Center’s Back to School Bash — like enrollment, immunization checks and such. But Center made sure it was fun.

Face-painting, balloon animals, mini-golf and hot dogs entertained the hundreds of adults and children who wandered through the many information booths, including a table for LINC.

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Kansas City Public Schools wins national award for efforts to combat evictions

The Kansas City Public Schools’ unique partnership with determined researchers and lawyers to help rescue district families from evictions earned national recognition this week.

KCPS won the 2019 Research and Assessment Leadership Award awarded by the Council of the Great City Schools.

The school district partnered with LINC, the Kansas City Eviction Project and Legal Aid of Western Missouri in creating data tools to alert school officials where district families were vulnerable and in danger of eviction.

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