Displaying LINC Initiatives about: COVID19

Here's how to file your taxes for free, with help and Covid-safe

“My Free Taxes KC” is back, ready to help the thousands of Kansas Citians who can file their taxes for free. This time around, the fleet of volunteer tax preparers will be working from home virtually or at various drop-off sites to be safe during the pandemic, but helping people get their 2020 taxes in and their refunds back all the same.

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$30 million for rent relief coming; here's how to apply

Help is on the way in Kansas City’s struggle against a feared “eviction tsunami.” Area relief agencies will soon have access to more than $30 million in additional Covid-19 federal relief dollars to help pay back rent for households suffering losses because of the pandemic. Here’s how to apply.

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Love adds up: Four days, a thousand families, 78,998 pounds of food

At times the wind came whipping cold. Other times a chilling drizzle coated the workers’ parkas and vests. But a partnership between Church of the Resurrection and LINC to deliver meals and other support to Kansas City families carried on regardless of sunshine or winter gloom because the needs of the people lining up in their cars did not change with the weather.

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Church of the Resurrection, LINC join in holiday food distributions

Kansas City parent Tiffany Relves was in a state of mind of feeling “like there is no hope” when she got word of one of the Church of the Resurrection’s food drives with LINC. “We have been going through some very hard times this past year. This means everything to my family. This has truly been a blessing to me and my children’s life.”

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