KCPS Parent University to help ease online learning transitions

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The new online school year continues to pose a challenge for families as everyone is trying to master technology and online platforms that are critical to their child’s success in school.

The Kansas City Public Schools will be using its Parent University to help families succeed, Thursday, Sept. 24 from 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.

Parent University is comprised of prerecorded videos, monthly live sessions, and electronic and digital guides plus resources that will help families build upon skills, knowledge, and support systems to foster the academic and social-emotional success of their students.

The university will also support and empower parents and caregivers to be strong leaders and advocates for their child's learning.

The first live session will be, “Roadmap to Success: Navigating Curriculum & Technology.” Participants will discover what their student will learn in the classroom, understand how they will be using technology (Clever, Google Classroom, and SeeSaw), and learn how parents can help. Time will be provided for questions and answers.

To join Parent University's debut session of the school year online (in English or Spanish) on Zoom go to: zoom.us/j/94001543829 or by phone (English only) at 301-715-8592 (Meeting ID: 940 0154 3829).

The session will also be livestreamed at www.kcpublicschools.org/live.

Learn more about Parent University: www.kcpublicschools.org/parentu

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