Free 'Leak Stoppers' program can help KC water residential customers save money

The conservation organization Bridging the Gap and the Kansas City Water Department want to help many residential customers conserve water — and save potentially hundreds of dollars on their water bills.

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The partnership this month launched the Leak Stoppers program to provide income-eligible KC Water customers with free water-saving devices such as kitchen and bathroom faucet aerators, high-efficiency shower heads, and more.

Many people don’t realize that a toilet with a moderate leak can waste 6,000 gallons of water per month, says Bridging the Gap. And not using a high-efficiency shower head can cause a family of four to waste almost 550 gallons of water per month.

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To participate, a family of two must earn $31,895 or less.  The annual limit for a family of four is $48,470.

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Qualifying customers will receive a free water conservation kit that contains faucet aerators, a high-efficiency shower heard, a toilet tank bank, toilet detection tables, a toilet flapper, and toilet fill cycle diverter. Free installation is available if needed.

To apply, go to Qualifying families will be visited by a member of the Leak Stopper outreach team and provided a water conservation kit.

The installer will also check the age of the customer’s toilet. If a toilet was manufactured before 1982, the home may qualify to receive a free new water-efficient toilet professionally installed by a plumber. You must own your own home to be eligible, and quantities are limited.

Learn more about the conservation kit and other options at

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