No progress: Critical Census count in KC needs a boost
Can you spot the differences between these two pictures? The June 8 Census response map, left, has changed little to the June 30 map, right. Orange areas show areas of less than 50 percent response, while blue exceeds 50 percent. Source: Census Hard-to-Count maps 2020.
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If this is the classic game of spotting the differences between two pictures, Kansas City needs to make it much easier in the days ahead to see real progress in the response rate to the 2020 Census.
The Census Hard-to-Count Maps above show where communities are struggling to get self-responses to the 2020 count. The orange shows areas that are below 50%, with some of Kansas City’s most vulnerable communities below 30%.
Learn what’s at stake, find resources to help, and follow our community’s progress at LINC’s Census page: