Western Independence families work together to become more financially fit — LINC

Western Independence families work together to become more financially fit

Independence parents and children are working together to become more financially fit though a four week program design to educate participants on money management, banking, saving, budgeting, entrepreneurship, and credit.  

LINC has partnered with Junior Achievement of Middle America and Arvest Bank to provide classes to members of the Van Horn, Nowlin, Fairmount, Mallinson, and Sugar Creek Caring Communities who are set to graduate after four weeks in the program. 

"I asked last year if they might be willing to do a family financial literacy program as our site council has been working to provide opportunities for families to become more financially stable," said Fairmount, Mallinson, and Sugar Creek site coordinator Jennifer Stone. 

The classes, held Tuesday evenings, are open to the public and are designed to bring families together to enjoy the classes. Families share a meal and a fun activity during the evening, classes are then split into age groups ranging from 2nd grade and under to adult. 

Arvest Bank teaches the adult classes while students participate in the Junior Achievement program. These programs aim to make the entire family financially fit. Connect with LINC online to be updated on future Financially Fit Families programs.


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