Gov. Nixon address DYS high school graduates

Missouri Gov. Jay Nixon was the keynote speaker to students graduating from the Division of Youth Services (DYS) Northwest Region.

Gov. Jay Nixon

Gov. Jay Nixon

Over 120 students graduated and were given diplomas from the accredited school district operated by the division of the Missouri Dept. of Social Services. The total was a record number for the Northwest Region. 

DYS is responsible for the care and treatment of delinquent youth committed to its custody by one of the 45 Missouri juvenile courts.

The graduation took place at Eagle Heights Baptist Church in Kansas City North. 

LINC works directly with many of the young people who graduated through a partnership it has with DYS for youth in the Kansas City area. 

LINC also operates an online school for DYS youth that allows them to continue earning credits and completing courses when they leave a residential facility and return to their community. The initiative - the Missouri Star School - is starting its second year. 


Two local Missouri Star School students were among the graduates. 

Tim Decker is the DYS Director. Juliet Breaux is the DYS Northwest Regional Administrator.


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