Volunteer for LINC

LINC is a bold experiment in getting volunteers involved in organizing services for the individuals and families whose fragile existence depends on the availability, accessibility and affordability of child care, good schools, health care, jobs, emergency assistance, and other basic services. Volunteers can work on various LINC initiatives.

One of LINC’s primary efforts is its Caring Communities school sites where volunteers work to improve outcomes and results for children and families in primarily low-income neighborhoods. 

Caring Communities bring together parents, neighbors, businesses, faith groups, non-profits, community-based organizations and government (city, school, state) in schools and neighborhoods in seven area school districts.

To volunteer at a school, contact one of the LINC Caring Communities sites. To volunteer on one of the LINC initiative committees or other efforts, contact the LINC office (816) 889-5050.

LINC is one of the area’s largest volunteer organizations in the Kansas City area with over 2,100 volunteers. More are needed.




Job Opportunities

Job Opportunities

Responsible for overall program coordination of a Caring Communities site. This may include responsibility for a before and after school program which includes supervision, safety, and health of children in program; coordinates organizational policies; record keeping - attendance, enrollment, fee collection, budget; liaison between school staff, parents, and community.

LINC is seeking to part-time instructors to teach chess at LINC Caring Communities sites after-school programs.Chess classes are taught in the morning before school and after school. Chess curriculum is provided. Knowledge of chess is required. Training is chess instruction is provided.Chess instructors must be able to get to LINC schools sites to provide instruction.More details about the LINC chess program are available at www.kclinc.org/chess.

Part-time Before and After School Program Positions

LINC is seeking to fill part-time positions in LINC Caring Communities Before and After School programs at elementary schools in Kansas City, Mo. school districts and surrounding areas.