Overdue: Kansas City Public Schools aims to pass first bond issue in 58 years

Learn more at the Kansas City Public Schools’ Kansas City School Bond webpage.

Every school benefits. Every student wins.

The route upcoming April 8 bond issue election has gone through many months of community open houses, meetings with local stakeholders, feedback sessions with parents and staff, and student town halls around the district. In all, the district hosted or attended 120 meetings, speaking with over 3,700 stakeholders throughout the process.

The school board and district administration — with the support as well of public charter schools in Kansas City — believe the time is now for Kansas City schools to seek KCPS’s first bond issue since 1967. Those many decades included many years under federal court supervision during a long running desegregation case. Now more than two decades since the court case ended in 2003, Kansas City’s bond and levy assessments rank among the lowest in Jackson County.

Now, since January 2022, Kansas City Public Schools are fully accredited and continuing to improve in its performance on the state’s district report card. In November 2024, the school board approved the plan of proposed projects for the district and set in motion to seek its first bond issue in 58 years.

The district needs the funding to deal with more than $1 billion in deferred maintenance and renovations.

Under the plan more than 40 schools will benefit from:

  • Enhance security for a safer environment

  • Enhance spaces for better learning, including special education spaces

  • More science labs + tools to expand opportunities

  • Improved facilities and classrooms to support learning and safety

  • Promoting the health of our children

Proposed KCPS and Public Charter School Projects

Every KCPS school and most Kansas City Public Charter Schools have proposed projects that will benefit from the $474 million bond issue. Charters will receive $50 million of the bond revenue.

KCPS schools will receive bond funds to address its most critical facility needs. Project recommendations for each school have been identified based on facility studies and stakeholder feedback. KCPS has prioritized addressing:

  • Deferred Maintenance: life safety, HVAC, electrical, roofs, windows, bathroom, plumbing;

  • Improved Learning Environment/Classrooms: collaboration spaces, STEAM labs, instrumental music spaces, gym and athletic facilities, outdoor classrooms/outdoor play areas, secure entry points; and

  • Transition to 6-8th grade middle schools

See a complete list of KCPS projects and public charter schools by building here.

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KCPS   News   Bond issue