Concerned about high blood pressure? Diabetes? Get a free kidney test kit
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Have you been told that you have high blood pressure or diabetes? The National Kidney Foundation is offering free kidney tests for people who are at-risk.
One-third of U.S. adults experience one or both of the two top risk factors for kidney disease: Type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure. The National Kidney Foundation has launched a campaign — Are You the 33%? — to highlight the magnitude of the problem.
Here’s how you can get a free kidney test kit:
1) Scan the QR code to the right with your smartphone to take the NKF Kidney Risk Quiz or go to
2) A healthcare provider from NKF’s partner,, will text you to confirm that you're eligible for a Minuteful Kidney test kit.
3) Get the kit delivered right to your door.
4) Test your urine in five minutes using the kit and a smartphone app.
5) Get results immediately through the app.
6) Share the results with your doctor.
Even if you haven’t been told you have diabetes or high blood pressure, scanning the QR code will provide important tips on how to protect your kidneys.
More information about the kidney test is available at
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