It's a wrap! LINC carnivals, cabarets and more finish school year with a bang

Rain changed a lot of plans,

but LINC’s Caring Communities found plenty of ways to celebrate the end of the 2021-22 school year with students, staff, parents and neighbors.

LINC’s Carnival at Border Star Montessori in the Kansas City Public Schools and the Cabaret at Meadowmere Elementary School in Grandview were just two of a host of field days, talent shows and parties across the 52 LINC Caring Communities.

But the beat goes on.

The summer programs are ready to go. If you have children attending summer school classes in one of our partner districts or charter schools and you haven’t enrolled in LINC yet, go to and join the next round of educational fun.

See more photos and videos from the Carnival and Cabaret on Facebook, at

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