Remake Learning Days offers family fun across KC — LINC

Remake Learning Days offers family fun across KC

Get in on the action May 6-16. Find a schedule of program opportunities at:

Here they come again. Remake Learning Days-Kansas City are back with opportunities for families to create, invent and experience hands-on learning at a host of programs sites and schools May 6-16.

Children and families can fly drones, hunt for patterns in nature, learn to use a green screen, create a flip book, join a bucket drumming brigade, make a mini light-up saber, design a board game and more with more than a hundred events designed to build knowledge and spark creativity.

The events will take place at venues across the region, and are part of a growing movement to tap community partners — in museums, local attractions, parks, libraries, schools and businesses — to connect youth of all ages and their parents with engaging learning opportunities.

Families can explore all of the options by visiting, where you will find events organized by six learning themes: Arts, Maker, Youth Voice, Outdoor Learning, Science and Technology.

LINC kids will be joining in the fun. LINC has for many years made experiential education an important part of its before- and after-school programming and several of LINC’s partners will be on site at some of LINC’s schools during Remake Learning Days, including Urban TEC and KC Young Audiences.

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