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Vote 411 has everything you need to know to cast your ballot April 6

The Kansas City 1% earnings tax, school board races and bond issues are just some of the questions waiting for voters April 6, and Vote411.org is ready again to help with election questions.

The League of Women Voters produces the interactive, personalized voting guide for every election cycle. You just have to enter your address and the guide will connect you to your ballot, provide your poll location and other information.


League volunteers have contacted — in fact are still contacting — approximately 250 candidates for local offices in the four-county area. Many candidates' unedited responses are already available for voters to consider when deciding who to support next month.

For Kansas City residents, the League has also provided information to explain what the passage or defeat of the 1% earnings tax question will mean to the city.

The guide means to be a handy reference to help voters before they go to their polling site. The guide also offers a feature called MyBallot that enables voters to mark a copy of their personalized ballot that they can print out and take with them to the polls to help them fill out their ballot.

In addition to Vote411, the nonpartisan Kansas City League of Women Voters provides a number of services for the community including voter registration activities and candidate and issue forums.

Read more:

What’s on your ballot? School bond and levy issues, KC earnings tax, go before voters in April