Check it out: You may be able to file your 2019 tax return for free
Participants in the IRS’s Volunteer Income Tax Assistance program (VITA) prepare returns in Kansas City
Tax season is on and thousands of Kansas Citians can get assistance and file their returns for free.
But many still don’t know it.
Connecting For Good, the MU Extension of the University of Missouri and the United Way of Greater Kansas City are trying to do something about that.
Most taxpayers who earned $60,000 or less last year qualify for the service, as well as many people with disabilities or limited English language skills. And numerous sites throughout the metro area have volunteers ready to help.
The United Way can answer questions about eligibility and the dates and times services are available.
Call 2-1-1, or 816-474-5112 to reach the United Way.
Where to go:
Volunteers at the sites listed below can assist taxpayers in person or work on tax returns that are dropped off:
Connecting for Good, Linwood Place 3210 Michigan Avenue, Kansas City, MO 64109
El Centro 650 Minnesota Avenue, Kansas City, KS 66101
K-State Extension 11811 S. Sunset Dr., Suite 1500, Olathe, KS 66061
Kansas City Kansas Community College 7250 State Ave., Flint Building, Rm. 3632, Kansas City, KS 66112
Metropolitan Community College - Maple Woods 2601 NE Barry Rd, Computing Business Building (CB), Room 105, Kansas City, MO 64156
Operation Breakthrough and Rockhurst 3039 Troost Avenue, Kansas City, MO 64109
The Salvation Army 3013 East 9th Street, Kansas City, MO 64124
UMKC Bloch School, Dial 211 to schedule appointment for assisted preparation Bloch Heritage Hall, 5110 Cherry Street, Bottom Floor, Room 005 Kansas City, MO 64110
The site below will only work on tax returns that are dropped off:
Guadalupe Center, Inc. 1512 Van Brunt Blvd., Kansas City, MO 64127
The sites below will assist in tax preparation in person by appointment only:
Community Service League-Blendwell, 10725 U.S. 24 Highway, Independence, MO 64054, 816-944-1396
Community Service League-Hawthorne Place, 16100 E. Dover Lane, Independence, MO 64056, 816-944-0743
What to bring:
A Social Security card or Individual Taxpayer Identification # (ITIN) for each family member
Valid picture ID (driver’s license, state ID, pass- port, matrícula consular, etc.) for all taxpayers
W-2 forms for all jobs worked
All 1099 forms for other income, if any
Child care provider name, address, and tax ID
Any other tax-related documents received
Form 1098 or other education-related documents
Bank account information for direct deposit
A copy of last year’s tax return (if available)
All adults on return need to be present to sign
1095-A form from the health insurance market- place if you received insurance through the marketplace
The free tax services are supported by the IRS Volunteer Income Tax Assistance program (VITA) that provides grant funding and certifies the volunteer tax preparers.
Taxpayers who earned $69,000 or less can also find free online options for filing their taxes at the IRS’s free tax filing page.
Several major for-profit tax services are also providing free filing in partnership with the IRS, but the independent non-profit journalism organization ProPublica warned that many customers are paying for services they could get free. ProPublica’s free tax services guide warns that the various sites have different eligibility requirements for free tax filing and that consumers should shop around to find a service that is free for them.