"Prison Pipeline" solutions to be discussed at Sept. 30 summit — LINC

"Prison Pipeline" solutions to be discussed at Sept. 30 summit

A summit on "Breaking the Prison Pipeline" will discuss solutions and resources to prevent incarceration, advocate for rehabilitation services, and aid in community re-entry.

The summit will be held on Saturday, Sept. 30, 9 a.m.-12 p.m., at Central Academy of Excellence, 3221 Indiana Ave., Kansas City, Mo. Registration begins at 8:30 a.m. Breakfast and lunch will be served.

Panelists will discuss the mental health challenges, judicial issues, and how to advocate for better care and sentencing.

To RSVP, contact Dawn Hickman, (816) 881-3163 or dhickman@jacksongov.org.

The summit is sponsored by Jackson County, Missouri.

Download the summit flyer for more info.

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