Upcoming Text, Talk, Act to engage youth in mental health conversations

Seventy-five percent of mental health problems begin between the ages of 14 and 24 years-old. This and additional mental health information will be discussed during Text, Talk, Act on Thursday, May 7.

Kansas City, Missouri Mayor Sly James and Kansas City, Kansas Mayor Mark Holland are co-sponsoring this local effort in assisting to reach a national goal of giving 15,000 young people (middle school age through mid twenties) the opportunity to participate in a conversation concerning mental health.

Text, Talk, Act conversations use text messages to prompt real life conversations in small groups of three to four people. With one phone per group, participants text START to 89800 to receive  texts that guide the group conversation. Prompts range from videos and polls to discussion questions including how to help a friend in need.

Text, Talk, Act conversations are being held in partnership with S.A.M.H.S.A. on National Children's Mental Health Awareness Day. Text, Talk, Act conversations work to reduce stigmas attached to mental health illnesses. Join the conversation online with #TextTalkAct

Host your own Text, Talk, Act conversation

1. Try It

·  It’s easy!  Simply text “START” to 89800 and follow the prompts.

2. Share It

· Please spread the word widely among your networks.  Simply forward this e-mail, or click here for links to videos, flyers, infographics, and information about our Text, Talk, Act contest.

 3. Host It

· Invite a few friends or colleagues to get together for a Text, Talk, Act conversation.  It takes less than an hour, and you can do it anytime that’s convenient for your group.

· If you are interested in hosting multiple Text, Talk, Act conversations, please click here for information on organizing Text, Talk, Act events. Materials include a teacher guide, privacy statement, sample parent letter, and more.





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