Results-38 schools participate in K-12 LINC Chess tournament — LINC

Results-38 schools participate in K-12 LINC Chess tournament

Fire Prairie Upper Elementary School was host to the 187 students from 38 schools who participated in the first K-12 chess tournament of the year.

The top 5 school rankings are:

1.) Border Star Montessori
2.) Chouteau Elementary
3.) Blue Hills Elementary
4.) Maplewood Elementary
5.) Holliday Montessori

1.) Border Star Montessori
2.) Maplewood Elementary
3.) Chouteau Elementary
4.) Blue Hills Elementary
5.) Fire Prairie Upper Elementary

1.) North Kansas City High School
2.) Smith-Hale College Preparatory
3.) William Chrisman High School
4.) Osage Trails Middle School
5.) Liberty North High School  

The top 5 individual rankings are:

1.) Liam Petrie - Border Star
2.) Jonas Strait - Border Star
3.) Brandon Lanear - Border Star
4.) Cindy Huynh- Chouteau
5.) Demetrius Richards- Border Star

1.) Jayden Francois -Border Star
2.) Jackie Murray- Chouteau
3.) Nicholas Ward- Maplewood
4.) Elliot Abnos-Border Star
5.) Ryland Cummings-Border Star

1.) Clayton Resz- North Kansas City High School
2.) Naguib Nassir- Smith-Hale
3.) Sam Farmer-Fort Osage High School
4.) Lewis Chastain-Osage Trail
5.) Noah Sisson-Smith-Hale

Download a full rankings list here.

Congratulations to all participants!

Coming up

The next tournament is the LINC Chess Girls Tournament at Holliday Montessori, Saturday, Feb. 22.  Visit the LINC Chess Facebook page for updates. 


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