Funeral Services for Rosemary Smith Lowe

Funeral services for Rosemary Smith Lowe will be held today at 10 am.

You can attend the service virtually. The services will be live streamed on YouTube and recorded for later viewing


Here’s the program for the service; here’s LINC’s letter of condolence.

Rosemary Smith Lowe and LINC

Rosemary Lowe's courage and vision put her at the forefront of community-changing causes — desegregating Kansas City neighborhoods in the Fifties, creating the Black political force Freedom, Inc. in the Sixties, and helping start LINC three decades later.

Lowe was a LINC commissioner from its founding in 1992 and a vice chair. She was a strong and dedicated voice, serving the LINC board and community the rest of her life.

Lowe brought to LINC her passion for justice. She also brought her powerful understanding of relationships in all levels of her community. With these gifts she helped fuel our mission to empower families, strengthen neighborhoods, and build communities.

Rosemary Lowe's life will forever be felt in the work of LINC. We are blessed by her strength and her vision, and we are inspired by her unwavering work for justice. 

She will be deeply missed.

Here's the full obituary.