2023 Lights On Afterschool Celebration
Lights On Afterschool is a nationwide celebration which expresses the importance of after school programming. These programs build stronger communities by involving our students, parents, business leaders and volunteers in the lives of our young people. LINC Caring Communities programs provide safe, challenging, engaging and fun learning experiences to help children and youth develop their social, cultural, physical, and academic skills.
In 2023, LINC Caring Communities sites are joining in the celebration by planning fun-filled community events to showcase the importance of after school programs. Find an event in your neighborhood and join us.
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Photo gallery for Lights On 2023
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Scenes from 2022 Lights On Afterschool
Fall festivals, dancing, fashion shows, great food and showcases of LINC students’ work filled the after-school landscape as celebrating LINC communities kept their “lights on.”