Missouri A+ Scholarship Program
You may be able to earn two years of free college tuition.
Photo by Allison Shelley/The Verbatim Agency for EDUimages
What is the Missouri A+ Scholarship program?
Students at participating A+ high schools can earn two years tuition-free at state community colleges, state vocational and technical schools and certain private two-year vocational and technical schools.
Is my high school an A+ program school?
Most KC-area Missouri high schools are in the A+ program, including all of the high schools in LINC partner districts – Kansas City Public Schools, Hickman Mills, Grandview, Center, North Kansas City and Fort Osage. Here is a complete list.
How do I get started?
Talk to your high school guidance counselor and get enrolled in your school’s A+ program.
How do I earn A+ tuition for college?
Missouri law requires U.S. citizenship or permanent residency.
Attend an A+ high school at least two years before graduation.
Graduate with a Grade Point Average (GPA) of 2.5 or higher.
Have a high school attendance record of 95% or higher
Complete at least 50 hours of community service tutoring or mentoring. (Ask your high school counselor to set you up.)
Have a record of good citizenship without unlawful use of drugs or alcohol.
Score proficient or advanced on the end-of-course exam in Algebra I or a higher level math course. Or score 17 or higher on the ACT Math test. You can also meet the math requirement with an ACT score of 16 with a GPA of 2.8 or higher, or an ACT score of 15 and a GPA of 3.0 or higher.
What are my college or other school choices that accept A+ tuition scholarships?
Most two-year community colleges throughout Missouri, including the Metropolitan Community College system in the Kansas City area, and state vocational and technical schools like the adult programs at Herndon Career Center in Raytown. Here is a complete list.
Do I need to complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)?
Yes. Students seeking A+ scholarships must make a reasonable effort to secure any federal financial aid first before using Missouri’s A+ funds by completing the FAFSA. For instance, any federal Pell Grant scholarship funds would be applied before drawing on A+ funds.
How do I receive the A+ scholarship funds at my college?
There is no paper application. If you meet the requirements in high school, your transcript will be stamped with A+ certification. Check with your chosen college if they require any more documentation. The college will request tuition reimbursement from the state to be paid to the college.
How do I stay eligible for A+ funds when I’m in college?
Be enrolled as a full-time student (exceptions possible for students with disabilities).
Complete 12 semester hours each term (six hours during summer terms).
Be actively seeking a degree.
Maintain a GPA of 2.0 or higher.
Do not create a criminal record.
How long can I receive A+ funds?
Your eligibility expires once any of the following events occurs:
You complete requirements for an associate’s degree
You complete 105% of the hours required to earn the degree
Or four years pass since your high school graduation.
For more information:
Missouri Department of Higher Education and Workforce Development
A+ Scholarship Program webpage