LINC yoga for families: Let's decompress together

That was a wicked blast of winter, closing schools for several days, everyone cooped up at home. Try this for some relief: Close your eyes, breathe deep and let LINC family yoga and instructor Madison Sha’s “sound bath” of gently ringing bowl tones wash over you.

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New sports league inspired by generational wisdom in basketball's game of life

Of course they see themselves in those kids. The same intense eyes. Youthful legs pitched on toes, wanting to spring into the action their coach demands. Wanting to be part of a team. To learn. To excel. LINC and other partners with the Kansas City Public Schools believe in the boys and girls in a new basketball league, and share a grand vision for the district and the city.

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A look back: Images from a wonderful, challenging year

From celebrating the Chiefs, to singing of Black History, meeting local farmers, putting on another Caring Communities Day, planting gardens, partnering in classrooms and joining in holiday festivities and much more — it’s been a fabulous year. Here’s our annual look back.

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LINC announces new leadership

After 32 years, the Local Investment is announcing its first ever transition at its top executive position. LINC’s President and founding chief executive Gayle A. Hobbs is stepping into a new role as president emeritus, and LINC Executive Vice President Janet Miles-Bartee has been named in a unanimous decision to succeed Hobbs as president.

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