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Sign up for Summer! Pre-enrollment open for LINC's before- and after-school programs

Here comes summer.

It’s time for families that are planning to have children in summer school to pre-enroll for LINC’s before- and after-school programs.

And for all the fun that comes when the regular school year gives way to the more relaxed days of June, the mission remains serious.

Our partner school districts, the students and their families are still making up lost ground from the worst months of the pandemic that are behind us.

Summer brings opportunities in after-school time to engage children with renewed enthusiasm for creative ways to learn through recreation and targeted activities. And LINC is ready with a variety of games, activities and fun learning opportunities at 15 school sites, spread out across the Kansas City Public Schools, Hickman Mills, Grandview and Center school districts, plus Topping Elementary in North Kansas City and Lee A. Tolbert Community Academy charter school.

“As is often said, when you see one LINC site, you've just seen one LINC site,” said Sean Akridge, LINC Caring Communities Administrator. “This is certainly true for students participating in our summer programming.”

In most cases, he said, students are visiting a new site during summer school and may be exposed to activities, clubs, and community partners' offerings that don't occur at their regular school site.

Summer at LINC means time for field trips and chances to explore new activities, he said. For instance, how about drone racing?

Even without a pandemic, every summer would bring a challenge to keep children and their active minds surging ahead.

Research spanning more than 100 years has confirmed that too many children lose academic ground during summer, reports the Campaign For Grade-Level Reading, widening the achievement gaps between many children in low-income households from their middle-class peers.

That’s why the national campaign has urged funders, policymakers, and community leaders to help communities tackle summer learning loss by supporting the new approach to summer learning that blends “core academic learning, hands-on activities, arts, sports, technology, and meaningful relationships.”

LINC is ready for you.

Get the summer program information you need by clicking on our webpage:

And then fill out your online pre-enrollment form to start the road to summer fun.