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Student Mobility in the Kansas City Area

In 2015, researchers with the Kansas City Area Education Research Consortium completed a significant local study on student mobility.

Their findings were presented at a community summit organized by Turn the Page KC and promoted a broader conversation on what could be done to reduce student mobility.

The study looked at students in Jackson, Clay and Platte counties. It found:

  • More than one in five students (36,000 students) changed schools in 2015.

  • Of those, more than 6,300 students changed schools two or more times.

  • Student transfers had a measurable impact on academic achievement based on student performance on the Missouri Standardized Assessment.

  • Students missed an average of four days between each transfer, with 10% of students transferring missing 12 or more days each move.

Download the study.

In the summer of 2017, Rosalie Swingle and Charis Moss researched and wrote a policy paper Creating Student Stability: Addressing Kansas City Evictions and Study Mobility as part of an Urban Leaders Fellowship through the Kansas City (MO) mayor's office.