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'See something, say something': Child abuse concerns high during pandemic

Educators and counselors in schools have always been critical sentinels in protecting children from abusive situations.

As schools make plans to resume this fall, the state has produced a video to help school staffs be more alert to signs that children may be in dangerous circumstances.

The video, “See Something, Say Something,” was produced by the Missouri Department of Social Services and the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education.

Missouri Child Abuse Hotline:


If a child is in immediate danger call 9-1-1.

Learn about warning signs at MissouriKidsFirst.org

The safety of children came under increased concern when schools shutdown in the pandemic in March. In the following days, with kids no longer being seen daily in schools, the number of calls to the state’s child abuse hotline fell by 50%.

The state wants schools to be watchful as children return.

"School personnel are often the first to recognize a child may be a victim or at risk of abuse or neglect,” said David Wood, director of the Children' Division with DSS. “That dramatic drop illustrated the huge impact educators have on keeping children safe as mandated reporters of child abuse and neglect under Missouri law.”

Missouri Commissioner of Education Margie Vandeven called on school personnel to be ready to rebuild the important connections that help protect children and families.

"Missouri educators develop close relationships with their students,” Vandeven said. “And a particularly troubling effect of the COVID-19 pandemic has been the significant decline in these (child abuse) reports.”

The state urges everyone to take on the role of protecting children.

“Every Missourian (should be) especially attentive to the safety and wellbeing of children during COVID-19,” the state’s message said.

Anyone who suspects child abuse or neglect should call the toll-free hotline at 1-800-392-3738.