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SchoolSmartKC announces $2 million relief fund to support schools in KCPS boundary

UPDATE: SchoolSmartKC announced more than $1.5 million in awards April 16, including awards to Kansas City Public Schools, public charter schools and 17 various support organizations. See a full list here. No more applications are being taken at this time, but a second application round will open later this spring.

In recognition of the unprecedented impact that the COVID-19 virus has had on area schools, communities, and other affiliated organizations, SchoolSmartKC has created a $2 million relief fund for those schools and support services within the Kansas City Public Schools district boundary.

SchoolSmartKC has engaged actively with partners, colleagues, and key stakeholders to identify areas of need and pathways for assistance. It intends to release funding as quickly as possible, using the prism of equity and need and ensuring optimal use of these resources.

Applications for relief funding will be submitted via SchooSmartKC’s COVID-19 webpage beginning Monday, April 6th, at 4 p.m.

To best serve the most pressing needs of our educational system, SchoolSmartKC will be funding projects that align with four key priorities:

Support to Schools and Others as They Assist Vulnerable Students and Their Families

Supports that assist schools as they address the needs of vulnerable students and families, with a focus on equity, especially while schools are closed and jobs are impacted.

Support for Teachers and Instruction

Supports to school teachers and staff to support instruction and virtual learning as well as other needs to ensure they are prepared to teach in this new environment.

Support for New Operational, Legal and Regulatory Requirements

Support to assist schools navigate this new terrain, including planning new calendars, transitional supports for students, improving information exchange, and abiding by new laws and regulations to be followed at the local, state, and federal level.

Support to Address Emerging Needs

Funds to address challenges that emerge over the coming year that may not be apparent in the initial weeks/months of the COVID-19 conditions.

Survey to help understand needs

SchoolSmartKC has issued a rapid survey and will host two virtual meetings for community members to help us better understand needs within our four priority areas and finalize our application for funds.

You can access the survey here to give us your thoughts.

Our virtual meetings will be held on Thursday, April 2nd and Friday April 3rd. Please email jeaster@schoolsmartkc.org to register to join one of these meetings. Meetings will be capped at the first 90 people to register.

Important Dates

April 2nd, 2020 – Virtual Meeting at 6 P.M. CST to Help Inform Fund’s Priority Areas

April 3nd, 2020 – Virtual Meeting at 11 A.M. CST to Help Inform Fund’s Priority Areas

April 6th, 2020 – Grant Application issued

April 15th, 2020 – Initial grants made