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LINC recognizes our Site Coordinators

LINC staff came together to celebrate the importance and achievements of our Site Coordinators. A special luncheon event was held at Southeast Community Center in Kansas City, MO. The event was also an opportunity for coordinators to visit with new staff and share experiences about their work.

The event was held in conjunction with Site Coordinator Appreciation week organized by the Coalition for Community Schools. The week was to honor community school coordinators to let them know their work is seen and appreciated and to lift up the role of coordinators.

The LINC Caring Community Before and After School Child Care program provides high quality school-age care for all families in a safe, fun, and caring environment that supports children's social, emotional and physical development. LINC Site Coordinators manage and lead our 53 sites serving multiple school districts in the Kansas City area.

They are responsible for overall program coordination of a Caring Communities site. This includes responsibility for a before and after school program which includes supervision, safety, and health of children in program; coordination of organizational policies; record keeping -attendance, enrollment, fee collection, budget; liaison between school staff, parents, and community.