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Apply now for EPFP 2016-17 fellowship

The Missouri-Kansas Education Policy Fellowship Program (EPFP) is seeking applicants for its 2016-2017 program, which begins in September.

The Education Policy Fellowship Program (EPFP) is a professional development program for individuals whose work record reflects strong leadership abilities and a concern for issues important to children and education.

Participants in the Fellowship Program hold full-time positions in diverse organizations at the local, state, and national levels.

Through the program, participants will:

  • Develop a broadened understanding of the policy process and how it applies to practice
  • Enhance their communication and decision making skills
  • Refine their potential for leadership
  • Expand their network of professional colleagues

To apply, and for more information, visit www.kclinc.org/epfp

The Missouri-Kansas EPFP chapter was relaunched in 2014 through the efforts of LINC and the Cooperating School Districts of Greater Kansas City. Bob Bartman and Gayden Carruth are the program coordinators.