Local Investment Commission

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PUBLIC NOTICE: LINC applying for 21st Century Learning Center grants


LINC is submitting three applications in response to Missouri’s Department or Elementary & Secondary Education’s most recent round of 21st Century Learning Center grants. 

These are five year grants focused on integrating additional Math, Science, and Reading supports into Out of School Time Programming at schools which could most benefit from such enhancements.   

Grants awarded would start with the 2016-2017 school year.   

These will be joint applications submitted in partnership with the Center, Hickman Mills, and Kansas City Public School districts; one application per District.   

Public input and comment is welcome.  Suggestions, and/or requests for a copy of DESE’s 21st Century application may be directed to Robin Gierer at 816-889-5050.  

DESE’s application deadline is April 12th.

This public notice is posted in accordance with DESE requirements.