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LINC Educare Childcare Training provides training to 158 participants

One hundred and fifty-eight people attended the latest Childcare Training hosted by Educare Sat., September 13 at Dobbs Elementary in Hickman Mills School District. 

Educare, a LINC initiative, is designed to connect caregivers to tools and resources that will further their early childhood education skills to become better parents, teachers, and professionals. This is done through Educare events that are held throughout the year.  

Participants earned Missouri Professional Development (MOPD) credit hours per class attended. Class topics included: Managing the Defiant Child, Child Abuse and Neglect with Head Trauma, Read from the Start, Getting Children Ready to Read, Infant.Child.Adult CPR and First Aid. 

Childcare training is free to all childcare providers and those who are caring for children in our community. 

The next LINC Educare event, Developing Your Child Care Business, will be held Monday, October 6 will classes over the next 10 weeks.

Those interested must take a mandatory orientation class on Monday, Sept. 22, or  Monday, Sept. 29, 6:30 - 8:00 p.m.

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