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Major regional health study released

A major regional health study was recently released by the Mid-America Regional Council that analyzes health and  social conditions of uninsured and other vulnerable populations in the Kansas  City metropolitan area. 

Major findings of the 11-county study were: 

  • While total population grew by 12 percent  between 2000 and 2011, poverty grew by 75 percent.
  • Over a quarter of the region’s population is now  uninsured or on Medicaid, a 13 percent increase since 2008.
  • A surprising 51 percent of those who are  uninsured have jobs — just no health insurance. This is comparable to the 56  percent of the insured who are employed.
  • Virtually all (98 percent) of the growth in the  uninsured was contributed by those in the prime working ages of 26 to 64.
  • For most disease categories, such as heart  disease and cancer, death rates have declined in the region. But obesity and  diabetes rates — while still generally below national rates — increased in  every county between 2004 and 2009.
  • There are considerable health disparities across  the counties and across race and income groups, and clear correlations between  socio-economic status and health outcomes.

The study also developed individual profiles for regional counties. To get the profile, click on the county name Cass, Clay, Jackson, LafayettePlatte and Ray counties in Missouri. The full report is available here.

The REACH Healthcare Foundation contracted with MARC to produce a report. 

The LINC Commission received a report on the study at it July meeting and the subject of a segment on KCUR's KC Currents.

Scott Lakin, Director of the Regional Health Care Initiative at Mid-America Regional Council, presented a Kansas City Regional Health Assessment. Download the PowerPoint.

Graciela Couchonnal, Program Officer for the Health Care Foundation of Greater Kansas City, presented "The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act".  Download the PowerPoint.

Jessica Hembree, Program Officer for the Health Care Foundation of Greater Kansas City presented "Implementing the Affordable Care Act in Kansas City". Download the PowerPoint.