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Missouri Medicaid expansion and mental health

The Missouri Dept. of Mental Health has developed information on the impact of expanding Missouri Medicaid to 138% of federal poverty level and mental health services.​

The report estimates that 50,000 Missourians with mental illness and substance abuse disorders will have insurance to pay for them and increase availability of outpatient mental health services.​

The report also projects that if Missouri does not expand Medicaid to 138% of federal poverty level, that many adult inpatient psychiatric hospitals beds will close throughout the state.

The report looks at the potential impact on Truman Medical Center-Lakewood in the full report.​

The Dept. of Mental Health also has produced a simple fact sheet on the policy issues and the implications.​

Expansion of Missouri Medicaid requires approval by the Missouri General Assembly.​

The federal government would pay the full cost of the expansion during 2014-16 and the federal reimbursement dropping to 90% by 2020.​

A copy of the full report is available online.​